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Image de Joshua Earle






Our aim is to support people and organisations in identifying and embracing new growth opportunities and turning them into relevant impact.


Because we live in a fast changing environment with high uncertainty, we need to rely on our ability to adapt and grow fast.
Therefore, we developed a three-step growth model that combines a modular set of activities and services such as Coaching, training, Innovation expertise, and mentoring in order to best support both organisations and people in reaching their growth objective.
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Identify and understand potential growth opportunities



Test and validate your growth potential



Create sustainable and scalable  growth


The three-step growth model is applicable for both innovation growth and personal growth. 
personal growth
Lead- your life program
We believe that every student and young professional deserves the tools and skills that set them up for success in building the future they want for themselves. 
Lead your life aims at training students and young professionals on personal development and entrepreneurial tools as well as preparing them to differentiate on the current job market and build impactful networks.
The program is 100% digital and relies on the following 3 concepts:
Emotional intelligence
Entrepreneurial thinking
Collaborative growth
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innovation growth
Innovation coaching and training
Innovation workshops (Design thinking, lean startup)
Leadership and organisational mindset change
Platform innovation
With more than five years of expertise in innovation strategy and methodologies as a coach and consultant cross sectors (from Financial services to Retail) we support organisations with exploring and embeding growth opportunities (such as platform business).

About the why

We decided to launch Impactful growth with the unique aim to support people and organisations in embracing every opportunity to grow.
We live in a world full of uncertainties and changes. And when some might think it is a time for fear and distanciation, we believe it is a perfect opportunity for people and organisations to re-invent themselves.
Since the pandemic of COVID-19 has hit, people have only proven, once more, how much they value collaboration and how capable we all are of showing great creativity and getting out of our comfort zone.
It is a time where digital is turned into a powerful tool of collaboration, where our home is our office and where we need to create alternative ways to socialize.
What a better time to re-think our role in Tomorrow´s world, to re-define who do we want to become and the way we want to collaborate with others?
about the founder

" it all starts with

who you are and whom you want

to become"

- Marine Liesenhoff -
Founder at Impactful Growth
I am half Belgian, half German and raised in Mallorca, Spain in a family of four. Which is one of the reasons why I quickly understood the importance of being open-minded and inclusive when embracing life opportunities.
By embracing an entrepreneurial mindset I managed to experience an out of the box career path:
At 20 years I co-organised the first Start-up weekend in Europe on the topic of circular & sharing economy and supported the creation of a non-profit association called Sharify which aimed at empowering entrepreneurs in their entrepreneurial journey. 
At 21 years I had the opportunity to create my first ever employment. I co-developed a project within Sharify to support unemployed people in learning how to code. I pitched for funding and managed the successful launch and development of the Technical Bootcamp program.
It is at that moment when I realized that there is no age for impact and that we are all the leaders of our own lives. 
Since, I have been working across the globe for organisations cross-sectors as an innovation coach and consultant both as a freelancer and consultant.
Today at 26 years, after five years of experience in innovation and two years in personal development coaching I decided to launch Impactful growth. My aim is to support people and organisations to embrace new growth opportunities.
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